Network Types - Volume & Premium Bandwidth

Offers choice of cost-effective tier 1 volume network and high redundancy premium network for your dedicated servers.

Network Types - Customize Your Network With PraHost

PraHost has two network types available for dedicated servers, Premium and Volume. The Volume network has one or multiple default Tier1 provider and distinct peering connections, and it is low cost, yet efficiently engineered solution to big bandwidth needs. The Premium network one has redundancy on every router and uses several high quality Tier1 transit providers in addition to public and private peering.

Why go for Branded Dedicated Server Hosting

Why go for Branded Servers when ordinary servers are available at lesser price? If this question is hovering in your mind then below are some of the reasons that would help change your perception:

THE VOLUME NETWORK : The Volume Network is appropriate for customers looking for lower cost servers. This network is a cost-effective collaboration of data-transit providers. Thus PraHost is able to meet all your requirements and give solutions that encompass enterprise business strategies to small business strategies.

The Volume Network encompasses one Tier 1 Transit Provider by default along with a select bunch of public and private peering on several exchange connections. This network is formulated for those businesses that do not require the heavily optimized and costly transit providers of the Premium Network.

THE PREMIUM NETWORK : The Premium Network on the other hand is designed to fit into the molds of customers with extremely resource intensive applications which call for high redundancy and low latency, industry standard routing experience. All in all, this network is way more reliable and advanced than the Volume Network.

This network uses a greater framework design and topology to accomplish unmirrored performance and dependability. Several Tier 1 data-transit providers are used which diversify the reach and flexibility of PraHosts bandwidth and network connectivity.


You should keep this in mind that we connect your dedicated servers in our network with Cisco routing equipment to other networks (Internet Exchanges or Data-Transit Providers). To monitor the speed at which the data travels in your network, there is a choice of ports ranging from 100Mbps per second to 10Gbps per second. These ports play a key role in monitoring and putting a cap on the traversed data on unlimited bandwidth networks.

Bandwidth controls the amount of data that your server will be able to deliver to the internet and from the internet over the course of time. This requirement varies from company to company and size of the websites. If you are unsure about what Bandwidth requirements will be best suited for you. Get in touch with PraHost customer support today and they will help you customize and select a dedicated server with appropriate bandwidth for your business. All our services are freely scalable so you can upgrade or degrade them in future according to your needs and budget.

A few more things that you must consider before selecting a dedicated server for optimum bandwidth and server speed is the location of the server, available power and the security measures of the server. It is not all about getting the best bandwidth solutions after all, the backend needs to be carefully scrutinized. The environment in which your server will be placed plays a key role the long run of our adventure. Proper atmosphere may always facilitate best equipment that guarantees durability and consistency. After checking these prerequisites you can select an appropriate bandwidth for your dedicated servers. Let's start now.